Okay, so I'm like having the worst luck trying to find a dress for the Christmas dance this year at our school. Why? Because every dress I actually like is like 150 dollars and then the ones that are actually at a reasonable price are too weird-looking, dull, and ugly!! I mean, it sounds like I'm being really picky but I don't think I am. Considering that I'll get to carry this dress into to college, wanting a dress that I'll actually look good in and want to wear on numerous occasions doesn't seem too ridiculous. Personally, I just have an eye for the finer things, which isn't really something to brag about in this situation I guess, just saying is all. There is this one, though, I really really really liked that I picked out myself... and it was fabulous~! It's a combination of gold, sparkles, tu-tu style skirt, and strapless fitted top with a bow at the waist, and in it I looked like a little ballerina! So cute. And so out of my price range. This has pretty much been my luck with all the other dresses I've fallen for: gorgeous and unattianable, which makes me want them even more because we always want what we can't have I guess.
But now it's getting pretty close to dance time and shipping and handling for a dress online is probably going to take several days. Plus my date needs to know what color tie to get. So I guess I have no choice! Time to swallow my pride, stop thinking of my vain self, understand that this is a night for dancing and eating with friends, and settle for a tolerably "nice" dress. And just pray I can get through the night without cringing at the mere image of me in a "meh" dress. That being the case, probably should avoid mirrors.
Come to think of it.........you what's going to be even scarier? Prom dress shopping. Oh yeah, I have a definite feeling like this present conflict of dress-picking will seem like mere purgatory for the hades of dressing shopping that is to come this spring. I know that sounds pretty dramatic, but I had it easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy last year, no joke! Just borrowed the dress my sister wore that no one remembered from like two years ago that happened to fit me perfectly and, magically, no one else I knew had it on at the prom. That being said, what are the odds of me being that lucky this year? Again? Not high I would imagine. Course I have a B in statistics so what do I know, could likely happen again! But I'm not counting on it obviously.
You know, maybe I just won't go to prom next year. Save me alot of trouble right? No stressing about dressing, dates, meal plans, deciding what group to go with, having pictures taken, expensive haridos that won't last after two seconds of dancing too hard on the dance floor, and not worrying about tripping over your precious dress whilst walking for lead-out! Yep, that would be a load of stress off my back is all I can say......Course it is the last "Hu-ra" before highschool ends...but hey! I'm still planning stuff with my friends for the following summer, right? So what's the big deal? Hm, well, can't make a decison right now because it's too early for that kind of planning. Guess I'll see if I still care about it next spring. Got to work on the "now" stuff, meaning I've got to go find a Christmas dress.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Open your eyes...........
So lately guess what has been the latest craze on Facebook? Robot Unicorn Attack!!!! The most amazing and epic unicorn game in the entire world! Within the game you pretend to be a magical cyber-unicorn, with the power to run at the speed of light while dashing and blasting giant metal stars as you across the robot unicorn floating landscape! This game is extremely addicting, and will most likely pull you away from any homework or paper you work on the computer no matter how important it is, even if it due the next day. Besides the sheer thrill of pretending to be a robot unicorn freely galloping thru a unicorn universe, another joy of this game is the competition of high scores between other people playing the game online. You only get three lives and the farther you go without dying the more points you accumulate. Getting past 62000 is really really hard, but the game gets better the more you play! Hopefully the next time I log on I will beat my own high score. and everyone else's.
Monday, September 20, 2010
okay, so like I'm realllllly excited that we have a new One Act play, because no offense to anyone who likes the play "Animal Farm", but I really don't think it's fun and/or good play to do when competing for a state title. I mean, if you have ever read the book before it's actually a great allegory on the oppressive state of Russia when it was going through it's communist phase way back when as it uses animals and humans to portray the different dictators and citizens who played a role in this event. But as far as a play goes, I got to say it's pretty boring. Even if you get the most superb acting from the best high school students in theatre, it would still be a bit of a monotonous play filled with seemingly endless lines from one monologue to the next. but NOW our school is doing a one act that might as well be the complete one eighty from the previous one: "Andromeda Galaxy!", an awesome play that portrays the mind of a troubled young girl through characters from Star Trek, making it an amazing and exciting play to watch for people who either love Star Trek or love to make fun of it (like the movie "Vampires Suck!!!") To say the least it's going to be awesome. I would know. I've already read it.
Monday, September 13, 2010
so recently my life has become really really stressful. Between work, school, college and SAT prep, and just plain dealing with my family stuff i barely have anytime to breathe. Everything is always go go go, I never have time to just sit down with milk and cookies and enjoy watching an episode of the 70s show because whenever I do I'm either thinking "Man I could be doing some school work or writing essays for early admissions," or my mom or dad will storm in and tell me to do so before I can even think it. I knew this year was going to be the hardest academically, so I guess I'm just really starting to feel the pressure of everything right now. And it's only September. It also doesn't help that my parents are always on my back about this kind of stuff constantly so much that I want to scream. A lot of times I will just stay at school longer and do my homework there or hop in my car and ride all the way to Barnes and Nobles just so I can do my homework in peace, which has actually proved very effective as I find fewer and fewer distractions whenever I go. Anyway, it's just a lot of stuff deal with at one time. Thank goodness for youth and theatre.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Party in the UGA~!
So this weekend......is going to rock!! I'm serious, I'm so pumped! Want to know why? First I get to wake up at 3:00 am on Saturday so my parents and I can get a head start on the road to Athens, so we can go see UGA's first home game with my sister Calli and her friends! (who are really sweet by the way.) It's going to be probably really hot outside, but I'm looking forward to tailgating (for the first time!) and getting to wear a cute black and red outfit for the game, since apparently a baggy t-shirt and jeans are unacceptable according to my sister. After the game my parents and I are going our separate and I'm going to send the night in my sister's dorm (which we have ALL to ourselves!) Then, hopefully if we're not too tired, we're going to go somewhere with my sister's friends and go party somewhere! I think, I wonder what a college party's like? My sister has never invited me too one before because we both are either too busy or she's afraid I'll get raped. Oh Well! That'll all change this weekend I guess! (....the partying i mean)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nippon no Baindo!
Well, it's official. After getting my college degree, I want to move to Japan. Or so I think so far, because I've got to actually visit the country and check out if I can deal with a completely different lifestyle and language before making that monumental of a decision. But I think I can do it because of two strong reasons that I think can outweigh the cons I'm going to face: I love the culture, and I feel a definite call towards these people. For as long as forever I've always been fascinated by Japan, including it's people, geography, art, food, music, style, and language. To me it's all very beautiful and and such a 180 from my own western world that it will never ceases to amaze me. Though I've only scratched the surface of what this land is really like, meaning that wikipedia, pictures, and book-research of this land barely cover anything, I still feel like it could be a place I could be happy and comfortable in. My deep adoration for this country, however, is just a bonus, as I also feel a spiritual and Godly call toward Japan' s people. When I went to CIY this summer, I was able to talk to this missionary who had actually gone to Tokyo on a mission trip, commenting on how materialistic and worldly these citizens are. By just walking around the giant city he could feel an evil aura enrapturing him, giving him a great sense of evil consuming this land. His most prominent memory was a trip to the train/subway station as he observed multiple mirrors covering most of the wall's surface near the railroad. When he asked a present Japanese man why they hung all these mirrors here, the man explained how many people came here to commit suicide by jumping in front of ongoing trains. To try to prevent these deaths, the mirrors forced anyone wanting to do this to look themselves in the eye and ask themselves one more time if it was worth it. When heard this, I was appalled at how many of these Japanese people could find so little joy and worth in their life as to believe that it is worth nothing. For me, I want to not just shake my head in sympathy for these people, but actually go there and try to be a light to these people, no matter how small my light may be in such a harsh and worldly culture. Guess I'll start by raising money to study abroad.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
new year, new blog :)
So you know what I think was the highlight of my summer? Believe it or not it actually kind of beat not havng any school, going on trips, and making some good money working at a sumemr job combined. This summer it was going to a CIY (Christ in Youth) convention in Tennesee called, "Move," and to put it simply....it was awesome!!!! I can actually say that I have never felt that closer to God in years, if ever really, than I did there. This convention was composed of youth ministries from around the country and staying in the dormsof Lee University, some from places like Texas, Florida, and even Illinois. But even though we were all from different places and backgrounds it was really cool how we were all able to get together and have a geat time playing games, having devotions, and singing praises in an auditorium til our lungs gave out. That was probably one of the best parts too, because we had this awesome band play songs very morning and night an sometimes they would teach us fun and corny dances to dance to while singing! it was great, and differnet everyday. It was also really cool to listen to the different youth speakers who had a different devotion every night that he would address to the crowd. Each one of them made you want to pour out your soul to Christ they were so moving. At the end of the week I sort of didn't want to go home because the whole week was so fun and Godly! I was also scared that once I got home everything would just go back to routine since I didn't have my youth group to encourage me in my faith. But luckliy I've now joined this group so I can be reminded of the times at CIY and to not lose Christianly endurance (God-willing that it is :)
Monday, June 7, 2010

okay so like, this fairly new artist called "La Roux" is starting to sound relly awesome to me. I don't know what it is, but something about the upbeat, synthesized electric pop combined with an English-accented female voice makes me wanna jump up and jam! dorky i know, but nevertheless: it sounds awesome. the first song i heard from her was "bulletproof", and while her music video on VH1 kinda annoyed me because i had to think for a second if she was a man or woman, the song didn't.... annoy me that is. It was fun and fresh! and for once i actually took the time to listen to the ENTIRE song before switching the channel. Took me back to the eighties for a second (though i know i've never been there.) Another reason why i like her as a music artist, personally, is because as i watched her music video, i notice one very important aspect this girl was missing in her "image" that most female artist wouldn't DARE forget!: she was not a slut. Yes, as weird and as alien as it sounds, she was not crawling around in a nude unitard howling, pretending to be an un-tamable slut-bird in a cage, OR wrapped in caution line tape in a jail cell. (sry Shakira, Miley Cyrus, and Gaga :P) needless to say that not only have i found her music vibrant and refreshing, her image matches it. at least that's what I've seen so far, i still have some research to do :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
sooo this is one of the last saga-blogs ever for this year!!! Because next Tuesday will be the last day of SCHOOL FOR OUR JUNIOR YEAR!! whoo. I must say that this has been one of the best classes i"ve taken this year, no joke! Even when I got stressed about deadlines for the paper I always looked forward to coming to this class for some reason, I guess because it is still fun even when it can be stressful! The higlights for this class would definetly include our trip to to UGA and that place where they make the paper, playing twister during budget meetings(including taking pictures of it), and having Mr. Powell's adorable little baby crawl around his office as we "oohed" and "awed" at it. Most importantly I really enjoyed working like a real reporter becuase it gave my insight into a future career I might actually have a chance in one day. I can't wait for next year!
Monday, May 17, 2010
so this friday i am planning on going to the Covenant graduation! mostly to just see one person graduating from that class actually, who just so happens to be the Valedictorian of her class! yes, a woman, because we are awesome. :D hoefully i'm going to ride up to that school with one of my friends and meet another when I get there so it won't just be me and my mom sitting there the whole. (because apparently she wants to go too even though she knows like one person graduating like me...?) anyway, i'm hooping it'll be fun!:D Come to think of it, i'm not really sure where it's going to be held. Probably not at the school, though that would be fine, but maybe at a church or something.....we shall see! Man this is getting kind of sad. I mean, not only are my senior friends graduating but I am never going to see them at school again! i am going to miss them so much it will be unbearable! My senior year is thus going to be very weird because I will not have them around at all, and I am going to one of the oldest students in the school.....weird. I hope it won't be boring.
Friday, May 14, 2010
sooooo i'm going to the hospital after school! hooray!! not really. my last grandpa has something wrong with his vein or aorta or something, and he's gonna have surgery. ugh :P my grandma staying with us rite now cuz the hospital he is at is in macon. and he's in his 80s sooo im kinda worried, as i shuld be! i just hope he makes it out of the hospital unscathed.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
okay the only reason i just posted that is cuz i JUST got done with this other blog and then this stupid computer deleted it and i was testing it. woe is moi. so now i dont think i should post another blog of the same thing because it's going to take forever and might not even post! see the problem. instead, I'm going to lunch. I like lunch, I wish I having it right now instead of writing this blog(no offense.) If I could eat somethign right now, it would probably be......Chick fil la! I'm alwasy craving that, becuase i'm always craving something salty and sweet and that is the goal of chick fil la: to give meat, fries, adn sauces that are both salty nad sweet:D Now Zach is looking up stuff to "beef up his blog" or whatever. why does he take it so seriously? he just complained how no one reads it so he must care about it alot. I should probably read it, but I coudl just talk to him instead!:D Now he's talking about movies. You know, he NEVER goes to a movie without going to "movie ratings.com" or whatever, checking out the review and then take their word for it as to whether he should see it or not...lame! Of course he also doesn't like to spend alot of money and to go see a movie that he doesn't know could be really good or not, so in the end it's a bit understandable:D okay this blog is absolute......stuff. Hopefully it'll post though. peace!
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