Sunday, August 15, 2010

new year, new blog :)

So you know what I think was the highlight of my summer? Believe it or not it actually kind of beat not havng any school, going on trips, and making some good money working at a sumemr job combined. This summer it was going to a CIY (Christ in Youth) convention in Tennesee called, "Move," and to put it was awesome!!!! I can actually say that I have never felt that closer to God in years, if ever really, than I did there. This convention was composed of youth ministries from around the country and staying in the dormsof Lee University, some from places like Texas, Florida, and even Illinois. But even though we were all from different places and backgrounds it was really cool how we were all able to get together and have a geat time playing games, having devotions, and singing praises in an auditorium til our lungs gave out. That was probably one of the best parts too, because we had this awesome band play songs very morning and night an sometimes they would teach us fun and corny dances to dance to while singing! it was great, and differnet everyday. It was also really cool to listen to the different youth speakers who had a different devotion every night that he would address to the crowd. Each one of them made you want to pour out your soul to Christ they were so moving. At the end of the week I sort of didn't want to go home because the whole week was so fun and Godly! I was also scared that once I got home everything would just go back to routine since I didn't have my youth group to encourage me in my faith. But luckliy I've now joined this group so I can be reminded of the times at CIY and to not lose Christianly endurance (God-willing that it is :)

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