i wished i still believed in Santa Clause. My Christmases were so much better when i was a kid and believed that all my Christmas presents were made by elves and came from the North Pole. This is so because it just made the season more magical and exciting than any other time in the year! Trying to stay out of the naughty list and making your own wish list to Santa was especially fun because these activites made the fairytale of Santa even more realistic. But now that i kno that Santa actually consists of two people called "my parents", the spirit of Christmas seems a bit losst t me. i know that Christmas isn't about Santa and presents and all that but it's still a big part of it! and now its gone.
looking back, however, i can't believe i actually DID believe in Santa and all that. i mean really, there's a fat man who travels aaaaalllll around the world, is somehow able to fit down our chimneys, and perfectly delivers presents in ONE night? not likely by any means whatsoever. the reason why i believed in Santa, though, was becuase i thought he was a thousand-year old man who had been given the divine right by God to live forever and somehow perform the miracles of Christmas.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
you know what i think the saddest disney cartoon movie ever is?? The Fox and the Hound. the whole plot of the entire movie is the struggle of two animal trying to be friends while their own instinct tells them otherwise. in the end, they can't keep it up. its soooooo sad!! every second i watch of that movie makes me want to bawl like a baby! i'm not kidding. The Fox and the Hound is one of the saddest cartoon movies i've ever watched. it's actually one of the most dramatic cartoon movie for a kid to watch. in a way, i kind of think that the movie is wrestling with issue of racial integration or something! this is so because the two main characters can't be friends because of their species difference, and when they try to they are frowned upon and get in trouble for it! that's aLOT of drama for a little kid to watch, which is why i might not want to let my kid watch until i think he can't understand the plot maturely lol. But sad as this movie may be, it's one of my favorite disney classics. i happen to now like it even more than some of the disney princess movies, though i probably couldn't say that when i was six. This is so because i think the movie has a message that trys to tell people of the troubles that predjudice and racial inequality through G-rated means. it's one of dinsey's only kid's movie that deals with mature issues, a message that goes over kids heads until they are my age.
Friday, October 23, 2009
No matter how much information Americans are bombarded with each day by the media, radio, newspapers, radios, or magazines, I don’t think Americans are actually getting the real news they need to know. The information presented to us nowadays isn’t just a report but is actually a report characterized by an opinion. This is the kind of problem that Phil Dodson addressed in his “Who is a journalist?” and Cal Thomas likewise in his ‘Radio free America”. I agree with both of them in their understanding of how the information abundantly presented to us each day is directly pre-chosen, pre-opinioned, and pre-viewed by most reporters. An example of this would be like in Dodson’s remark about a mayor who committed suicide and then a reporter telling a very obnoxious, hateful, and obviously opinionated story of this mayor on the radio. I agree with Dodson in that while it is fine for people to express their views and speak their mind, it is not okay for them to tell a true-life story based on how they think it should be told and examined. Likewise I also agree with Cal Thomas’ view of illegitimate way that people, not just Americans, are presented with reports and information from a government who only let them hear these reports in order for them to strengthen their own government, meaning they twist stories and report them in such a fashion as to make sure the people have no other opinion than theirs. In any case, I believe that if someone wants to report about what’s going on in the world, he should do so by stating the facts without any trace of opinion or pre-chosen view that might set the mind of the reader to think in that opinion too.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
when it comes to writing newspaper articles, i believe the most important thing is to state the facts with an unbaised opinion....and not get in trouble with it. unfortunately not everyone always abides by this rule. instead, people in charge of newspapers can sometimes censor specific articles on the bases that they simply just don't like them, for reasons unreasonable. like, maybe the article was stating something unpleasant (legally) but totally true about a person, business, etc. and it gets cut because it puts that or those certain person(s) in a bad light. slander and libel is wrong, but! stating something as"unpleasant" but imperativly useful and beneficiary and cutting it just because of this reason is wrong too!! the press is alllll about imforming the people of facts that they need to know, and shouldn't be anything other than that! it's annoying when people do that, like the people in charge of newspapers and whatnot. not only annoying but indignantly stupid. it happens everyday though; stories and scoops of the century can get cut just because the people in charge of the report think it would be cuter to broadcast a story about a little girl's father catching a baseball and amusingly watch her throw it back and be all like "awwwww, so cute!" than learn of the different and important political changes going on alll around the world. there are like, TONS of stories that don't get put on tv just because of "popularity issues." like i'm pretty sure we could of watch something more serious but important than spend hours and hours watching an inventor's balloon fly 5,000 feet above ground supposedly carrying a boy(which it didn't). so anyways that's my opinion, which i can clearly state in any manner i please because this isn't a newspaper article :D
Thursday, October 15, 2009

i always wondered what life would be like if a had to wear glasses. when my sister had to get them back in the day, like in middle school, i was like, "why does she get to have them and not me? no fair!" later i'm glad i didn't pray to God for my eyes to go bad just for a pair if glasses. everyone one in my imediate family has to wear them, even my previous dog had a cataract. but me? have 20 - 20 and plan to keep it until the end of time. well, that doesn't really account for when i get old, but i still plan to take good care of my eyes as long as i can. but alot of the time i try on my friends glasses just to see what its like. personally, i think they can look good on people and make them lokk insightful, but geeeeez are they annoying!! i cannot stand the way glasses. prescription or sunglasses, rest on my nose. it's so annoying. it's like there's bug stuck on your face that keeps sliding done your nose and you have to keep pushing them back up again. AND, i have a theory: you know how they hang the back of your ears to stay on? well i think that after a long period of time it pushes your ears forward and makes u look like a monkey. same thing with hair: girls who constantly push their hair behind their ears will have a monkey-eared appearance, just like Kristen Stewart.
Friday, September 25, 2009
i am a macaroni virgin. i feel so, so immature. i feel like because i'm like this, i'm missing out on an important part of life! all of my other friends have eaten it before and say that's its very awesme, seriously like everyone i've talked to say they love it! but me? i look at that big glob of yellow goo and chopped up looking wormy noodles and want to gag. i mean! it looks gross, but i gotta admit, it smells pretty good. don't get me wrong,i do really lk pasta and i very much enjoy cheese. but together? ehhh not so much. when i told people of my horrible defiency, they were horrified. and then a couple of them had an intervention. anyway tonight we have a plan to rid of my horrible secret: imma gonna go to McCalister's and eat macaroni!..or at Jeannes, i can't decide...but nevertheless the plan is to eat some really good macaroni. i don't really mind though because trying new things is really fun! i just hope a don't throw up my friends good intentions XD
Friday, September 18, 2009
so i'm like reaaaaaaaally excited for AWA this weekend!! i'm driving with some of my best buds and we are caravaning alll the way up to Atlanta, starting at 6:30 in the moring. we have to leave super early cause we're just going for the day and we have to get back at 4:00 for some reason. man, i got to get to bed really early tonight, though that's probably not going to happen because "early" for me is like 11:00 pm haha. so anyway, who! i'm so pumped, this is my second con so it won't be as um "bewildering" haha but it will be awesome nevertheless. i'm also dressing up! i was going to be a different character than i am now and i was going to buy it myself. but it was waaay too expensive and i couldn't pay for it. but luckly my friend has this other charcter who i just so happen to look lk, can fit into the costume, and have a wig for! it was meant to be. so yea that's bascially what's going on right now with me besides homework and prepare for reading in my church's sermon tomorow, which maybe on the radio...oh boy. so anyways! if u have read this and have nooooo idea what in the world is AWA, u probably don't even understand what i've just typed haha. bascially AWA is a nerd convention for awesome nerds to congregate and soak up each others awesomeness, which probably makes no sense either :D
Thursday, September 10, 2009
so thanks to my dear friend jaime, i am now rediscovered my love for the British-cartooned-band "Gorillaz". they do every music video animated, and people like the music so much that they actually will watch the videos. I was looking and Youtube and spotted "gorillaz MTV cribs". I clicked on it and couldn't believe that they actually did that episode animated too! it starts with the fictional character "Murdoc" saying ello and giving you a tour of their made up home while spotting te other band members along the way. its sooo funny! haha, and after i watched that video, i spotted some little short episodes they did that were completely random and had no point. like this one called the "eel". in it the band member 2D is trying to kill an eel with a mallet so he can cook it for his friend Russel. then another band member (murdoc)gets annoyed with the banging, grabs it, and "melts its face off. when russel comes in he's all lk "my eel? where's my eel? where's my eel?"
murdoc-"hmm, its not feelin too well..." haha wat a band :D
murdoc-"hmm, its not feelin too well..." haha wat a band :D
Thursday, September 3, 2009
so now that my sister's gone off to college and my dad's traveling all across the south, i'm starting to feel lk an only child. usually when i come home from skool calli's with me, but! now i arrive there alone. yep, just me, mom, and my dog. but i'm not sad! i mean, i miss calli a ton and wishsh e culd laugh at spongebob and family guy with me, but i'm not feelin family-sick or anything! i feel lk this gives me a chance to take on more responsibilities cause now i got to make more decisions on my own, without calli's words of wisdom. so basically i'm just feeling a strange sense of..weirdness. my house is quieter, me and my mom r both busy with our work and everyday drama. hmm, feels lk an season of Gilmore Girls.....anwho! i'm excited for calli coming back for the weekend! she'll be hanging out and doing homework with me like "old times" hehe, hopefully that'll make things around my house feel less..weird.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The first day of school is a day often dreaded but at the same time very crucial and exciting. If you think about it, there are soo many ways to mess it up: you could forget to bring your binders, miss 15 mintues of one of your periods because you couldn't find the room, or come back home with a pink slip because you forgot that wearing flip flops is a thing for summer and summer only. But you know what I think is the absolute WORST thing you could possibly do that would defintly make you start the year on the wrong foot? Miss the first day of school. Or hey, while your at it, why not miss the next day after that? And the next day? And the next day, and the next day, and the next day.....heck! Why not the entire first week? Of course that would cause some major issues (i mean think of the make-up work!) Well, that's what I did for my junior year, just skipped the first week and then some. But don't get me wrong! I didn't do it on purpose (I don't hate school THAT much). It just so happened that i caught a terrible illness that was very contagious and prevented me from school,(stupid pneumonia) or doing anything! I couldn't drive anywhere, excercise, go outside, read, or watch TV! (It hurt my eyes too much) All I could do was lay on a sofa and wallow in misery, and if that was too boring there was always trying to eat and drink food without it coming back up. All in all, it wasn't fun missing school (crazy as that may seem) in my opinion. to be honest I'd rather be complaining over homework-deadlines than on how terrible i felt. I think the worst part was the seclusion part though. I mean man was I disappointed! All these friends I had been looking forward to seeing after being seperated all summer, they were all right there at school and I could barely even text them! Of course I was missing events too, a bunch of stuff was definetly going on in school when I wasn't there...so I had even more make up work haha. So anyways it was bad, but at least i'm here now and can get with my junior year, so I guess I should stop complaining! Instead lying around and coughing(well that's not quite gone yet) i'm here at school and enjoying every fun,stressful, and awesome second.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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