Friday, September 18, 2009

so i'm like reaaaaaaaally excited for AWA this weekend!! i'm driving with some of my best buds and we are caravaning alll the way up to Atlanta, starting at 6:30 in the moring. we have to leave super early cause we're just going for the day and we have to get back at 4:00 for some reason. man, i got to get to bed really early tonight, though that's probably not going to happen because "early" for me is like 11:00 pm haha. so anyway, who! i'm so pumped, this is my second con so it won't be as um "bewildering" haha but it will be awesome nevertheless. i'm also dressing up! i was going to be a different character than i am now and i was going to buy it myself. but it was waaay too expensive and i couldn't pay for it. but luckly my friend has this other charcter who i just so happen to look lk, can fit into the costume, and have a wig for! it was meant to be. so yea that's bascially what's going on right now with me besides homework and prepare for reading in my church's sermon tomorow, which maybe on the radio...oh boy. so anyways! if u have read this and have nooooo idea what in the world is AWA, u probably don't even understand what i've just typed haha. bascially AWA is a nerd convention for awesome nerds to congregate and soak up each others awesomeness, which probably makes no sense either :D

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