Friday, October 23, 2009
No matter how much information Americans are bombarded with each day by the media, radio, newspapers, radios, or magazines, I don’t think Americans are actually getting the real news they need to know. The information presented to us nowadays isn’t just a report but is actually a report characterized by an opinion. This is the kind of problem that Phil Dodson addressed in his “Who is a journalist?” and Cal Thomas likewise in his ‘Radio free America”. I agree with both of them in their understanding of how the information abundantly presented to us each day is directly pre-chosen, pre-opinioned, and pre-viewed by most reporters. An example of this would be like in Dodson’s remark about a mayor who committed suicide and then a reporter telling a very obnoxious, hateful, and obviously opinionated story of this mayor on the radio. I agree with Dodson in that while it is fine for people to express their views and speak their mind, it is not okay for them to tell a true-life story based on how they think it should be told and examined. Likewise I also agree with Cal Thomas’ view of illegitimate way that people, not just Americans, are presented with reports and information from a government who only let them hear these reports in order for them to strengthen their own government, meaning they twist stories and report them in such a fashion as to make sure the people have no other opinion than theirs. In any case, I believe that if someone wants to report about what’s going on in the world, he should do so by stating the facts without any trace of opinion or pre-chosen view that might set the mind of the reader to think in that opinion too.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
when it comes to writing newspaper articles, i believe the most important thing is to state the facts with an unbaised opinion....and not get in trouble with it. unfortunately not everyone always abides by this rule. instead, people in charge of newspapers can sometimes censor specific articles on the bases that they simply just don't like them, for reasons unreasonable. like, maybe the article was stating something unpleasant (legally) but totally true about a person, business, etc. and it gets cut because it puts that or those certain person(s) in a bad light. slander and libel is wrong, but! stating something as"unpleasant" but imperativly useful and beneficiary and cutting it just because of this reason is wrong too!! the press is alllll about imforming the people of facts that they need to know, and shouldn't be anything other than that! it's annoying when people do that, like the people in charge of newspapers and whatnot. not only annoying but indignantly stupid. it happens everyday though; stories and scoops of the century can get cut just because the people in charge of the report think it would be cuter to broadcast a story about a little girl's father catching a baseball and amusingly watch her throw it back and be all like "awwwww, so cute!" than learn of the different and important political changes going on alll around the world. there are like, TONS of stories that don't get put on tv just because of "popularity issues." like i'm pretty sure we could of watch something more serious but important than spend hours and hours watching an inventor's balloon fly 5,000 feet above ground supposedly carrying a boy(which it didn't). so anyways that's my opinion, which i can clearly state in any manner i please because this isn't a newspaper article :D
Thursday, October 15, 2009

i always wondered what life would be like if a had to wear glasses. when my sister had to get them back in the day, like in middle school, i was like, "why does she get to have them and not me? no fair!" later i'm glad i didn't pray to God for my eyes to go bad just for a pair if glasses. everyone one in my imediate family has to wear them, even my previous dog had a cataract. but me? have 20 - 20 and plan to keep it until the end of time. well, that doesn't really account for when i get old, but i still plan to take good care of my eyes as long as i can. but alot of the time i try on my friends glasses just to see what its like. personally, i think they can look good on people and make them lokk insightful, but geeeeez are they annoying!! i cannot stand the way glasses. prescription or sunglasses, rest on my nose. it's so annoying. it's like there's bug stuck on your face that keeps sliding done your nose and you have to keep pushing them back up again. AND, i have a theory: you know how they hang the back of your ears to stay on? well i think that after a long period of time it pushes your ears forward and makes u look like a monkey. same thing with hair: girls who constantly push their hair behind their ears will have a monkey-eared appearance, just like Kristen Stewart.
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