Monday, December 14, 2009

i wished i still believed in Santa Clause. My Christmases were so much better when i was a kid and believed that all my Christmas presents were made by elves and came from the North Pole. This is so because it just made the season more magical and exciting than any other time in the year! Trying to stay out of the naughty list and making your own wish list to Santa was especially fun because these activites made the fairytale of Santa even more realistic. But now that i kno that Santa actually consists of two people called "my parents", the spirit of Christmas seems a bit losst t me. i know that Christmas isn't about Santa and presents and all that but it's still a big part of it! and now its gone.
looking back, however, i can't believe i actually DID believe in Santa and all that. i mean really, there's a fat man who travels aaaaalllll around the world, is somehow able to fit down our chimneys, and perfectly delivers presents in ONE night? not likely by any means whatsoever. the reason why i believed in Santa, though, was becuase i thought he was a thousand-year old man who had been given the divine right by God to live forever and somehow perform the miracles of Christmas.